Tuesday, February 25, 2014

100 Things About Me

Dear Readers (Who I'm pretty sure don't exist so if anyone actually reads my blog then please comment something on some post),

Once again, I haven't been on here for a while. My life has been it's usual craziness. I'm blogging today to work on something one of my friends inspired me to do: 100 Things About Myself. I started this on Christmas, December 25th 2013. I'm ending it whenever I actually publish this post. Enjoy!

1. When I was little, I used to absolutely hate piano. But now, I couldn't imagine my life without it.

2. I want to travel the world.

3. I tend to get along really well with people who are older than me, no matter how big the age difference.

4. I currently do International Extemporaneous Speaking for speech & debate. It's actually the event that I never wanted to do or thought I would. Now I can't imagine myself doing anything else.

5. I'm a vegetarian.

6. I love to write poetry. It used to be all deep and dark but now it's more 'hopeless romantic'.

7. With some people, I naturally and unintentionally flirt.

8. I believe that dreams are always nightmares, because they are always of unattainable wants.

9. Vienna is my favorite city

10. I currently am fluent in English and Hindi. I can understand and slightly speak Tamil. I am nearly fluent in French, and have just started learning Chinese. I really want to learn Arabic.

11. My greatest fear in the world is to lose the people I love, or to see them hurt.

12. I think the world is this amazing place that was created to be discovered.

13. Although I am South Indian, I talk, eat, dress, dance, sing, look, and act like a North Indian.

14. I associate people and memories with different songs.

15. My strong and sharp memory is both a blessing and a curse.

16. I am the youngest kid in my class, but I have really good grades and am in the highest classes for normal people.

17. Even though I do speech, I consider myself to be a debater.

18. I want to learn to be a Bollywood dancer but I have to time so I've started teaching myself. Well at least through music videos.

19. I am a hopeless romantic.

20. Fancy dresses, both American and Indian, make me feel like a princess, Especially when I'm dancing or around boys. Or both.

21. Unlike most people. I love school. I get too bored during break.

22. Most of the clothes I own are blue, green, purple and black. Indian clothes are nearly the total opposite- red, orange, pink and green.

23. I love snow, therefore I can't imagine myself living anywhere else than where I currently do.

24. Instead of paying attention to the actual movie, I usually pay more attention to the soundtrack, outfits, romantic acts and attractive male celebrities.

25. I love to make cookies. Everyone says they're amazing and they love them, but I don't like to eat them.

26. I have a wintertime obsession with peppermint.

27. My music taste of American music is very erratic. I usually like the tunes, words or people who tell me of the song, more than I like the actual song or artist themselves.

28. I write a lot of romantic poetry. Usually because romance is something that my life strongly lacks.

29. I am not socially awkward. I'm usually a very social person. In any school, music or debate context. Oh and at Indian parties.

30. I love the taste of coffee.

31. I am not someone who likes to take an out-of-the-blue initiative to go on roller coasters. They actually really scare me before hand. After being forced to sit down though, I usually have the time of my life, can't stop talking about it, and want to ride again.

32. I hang on to memories as if they were my lifeline.

33. I analyze every political happening around the world and I have a strong opinion on every one.

34. Not in the sense that I want to convert, but I have a strong fascination with the Muslim religion and culture. 50% from a political background and 50% from a social background.

35. My biggest pet peeve is when people judge me based on my age. For ANYTHING!

36. I never, EVER judge a guy on their looks. Only on their personalities. One, because guys are much better that way, and two because thats how I would like to be judged (on my personality).

37. I prefer big, lighted cities to small villages. I like suburbs for housing purposes, and I love looking at the countryside. But not for tour purposes.

38. I think that race and religion should be put aside in order to stop governmental conflict.

39. The lives of me, my arch nemesis, and my old crush are all freakishly intertwined.

40. I wear high heels and a pant suit to debate tournaments because they make me feel powerful and professional. And also to bridge a gap between how a normal girl would dress in a skirt suit versus how a guy would dress in a pant suit.

41. Nothing makes me happier than being able to help someone in any way.

42. I always appreciate what other people can do, but competition is always my biggest motivation to do better.

43. My name is pronounced just about exactly as it is spelled. American people say it differently than Indians do. After 14 years, now I just go along with the American pronunciation.

44. Most of the books I read and read over again (for pleasure) offer me some sort of insight at my life. These include 'The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks', 'A Mango Shaped Space', the Pretty Little Liars series, and most John Green books.

45. I am 99% sure that my best friend is a goddess. Only because she has done more good and bad things for me than any ordinary human could possibly do.

46. I believe that beauty is existent in every thing in the world, so it is truly in the eye of the beholder.

47. My past experiences have taught me to find happiness in every little possible thing, because you never know when you'll lose one of them.

48. I love the sound, smell, sight, and feel or airports, because they contain some of the greatest memories of my life.

49. I'm younger than just about all my friends; off the top of my head, I can only think of one who's younger than me and I'm only 4 months, even though 1 grade, older than him.

50. For the most part, when looking at guys, I really like smart guys who tease-ingly compete with me and are kind with a good sense of humor. For me, looks are ALWAYS a bonus.

51. I leave everything in a round. Let me elaborate. If somebody's the reason I don't do well in debate, I don't hold it against them in a personal way. For example, my serious debate rival, I don't really know him very well personally but I'd love to. He seems like a cool guy.

52. If someone wrongs me, I don't believe in getting revenge against them. I prefer to handle my own issues and not get others involved, unless it's needed for me to earn my lost things/people/values/reputation back. As long as I can retrieve what has been lost, I'm totally fine. But it's because if they do it again, someone else could get better revenge than I could.

53. I can remember a lot more about a moment through the associated song rather than through a picture.

54. My dream job is to be a US Ambassador to a foreign country, either French speaking or Austria. But I'm okay with being a doctor too.

55. Whenever I see romantic movies, places, songs, or acts, I always mentally replace the people with my crush and me.

56. A lot of people come to me to vent, get advice, or just need someone to listen to them. I'll never tell.

57. FFI Extemp Lab 2013 changed my life forever. A combination of the friendships made, adventures had and cherished, and the lessons learnt and never forgotten.

58. I don't fear getting judged, but I am always much more comfortable and social in a situation where I fit in, e.g. debate tournaments, music related places, school and Indian parties.

59. I've always wanted to be someone who's approachable and that people don't fear talking to. At the same time, I don't want people to take me for granted as always being there, even if I am.

60. My life is a crazy tangle of coincidences.

61. I can't do group projects. I don't work well in groups because I fear to depend on people and leave my future in their hands.

62. I cry pretty easily with movies, television shows, books, and even music.

63. I knit. but I don't have the patience to sit and do a longterm project, so there are a variety of purple dishrags around the house. I'm currently trying to make a scarf.

64. I don't make New Years' resolutions because I always feel like I'm changing things for the sake of it. I make vows to myself to try and do things differently. Long term with no initiative.

65. I'm very OCD about everything being perfectly in place.

66. My first true best friend was in 6th grade.

67. If you know me well, then I'm a slightly girly nerd. I usually flash my nerd side, but my girly side mostly around my friends or boys.

68. I'm a hardcore Pretty Little Liars fan. Watched every episode and read every page of every book.

69. There's something very enticing about the color purple. It's royal, majestic, beautiful, calming, etc. I also don't hear stereotypes about it. It's my favorite color.

70. I'm not a super religious Hindu, but I embrace my religious culture deeply.

71. I can do abstract art, but not real life drawings, paintings, etc.

72. My idea of a perfect rainy day is to be cuddled on my bed, reading & filing the news on my laptop, drinking something warm and sweet, and listening to music, while the window is behind me so I can see (and hear) Mother Nature's peaceful teardrops.

73. I don't have stage fright because I've been performing since I was four. I do, however, have a strange fear of getting test grades back.

74. Hindi is my native language but sometimes I can speak French better.

75. I love foreign and domestic policy. Mostly foreign. But I'd love to be president even though I'm not gonna run.

76. My room is a sanctuary. It really embodies me and my interests & likes, and I just love being in it. It's very stress relieving and calming.

77. Unlike how most people get super anxious at speech and debate tournaments, i feel right at home.

78. I believe that the first step to any goal is a positive attitude. Then comes hard work.

79. My name, Ananya, means 'unique' in Hindi. I hope I live up to it.

80. I always give people a second chance because if I were them, I'd want it too.

81. Sometimes I don't see the bad in people, which leads to me getting hurt.

82. I don't wear makeup, but my mom almost always asks me if I am. I'm not sure if she's trying to flatter me.

83. The feel of a piano under my fingertips makes me feel alive.

84. Although I have really high standards for myself, I acknowledge that others might not and I respect that. I want people to feel good about what they can do, and I want my friends to be like that too.

85. I follow basic debate principles in a lot of aspects of of my daily life, and I am still amazed at how my event has shaped me.

86. I don't actually believe in superstitions and lucky charms, but they all seem true when I desperately want something.

87. I don't feel comfortable talking about my achievements unless over text to 2 specific people.

88. I'm very nitpickily organized about my life.

89. I love those spring days when it's slightly darker than normal and is slightly cooler after raining.

90. I'm really good at multitasking. Like texting, watching television/listening to music, and doing homework at once.

91. My first celebrity crush was Avan Jogia, when he was in Victorious. I still love him but I have some other favorites too.

92. I have an obsession with my pencils being super pointy. Actually I just usually like using ballpoint pens. they don't smudge so they look pristine and clear.

93. I love my French class. All of my teachers think their subject is my favorite but French actually is.

94. I don't compose my own music very much, but I do arrange pieces I particularly like.

95. I'm learning to love myself, with all the strengths and imperfections, both physical and mental.

96. I don't have one favorite word, but rather quite a few, such as 'clam', 'eyebrows', 'nerd', and other random words with inside jokes. 

97. One of the things I hate is when two people don't like eachother and they spread the "don't be friends with them" rumor. Like no. That's between you guy, don't inflict it on me. Let me be friends with who I want.

98. I do go to an expensive really smart all-girls prep school, but don't judge me because of it!

99. I have mastered the art of "stalking" Lane Chesler. (This isn't actually true, it's 99% an inside joke)

100. I have a solid determination to do anything I put my mind to. So don't try stopping me because it ain't going away.

So I did this project because I saw my friend had done it, and I thought it was cool. It was fun, BUT IT WAS REALLY TROUBLING TOO. Whoever knows me knows that I love to talk, but I couldn't say 100 things about myself. I finally did end up getting help from my best friend. But this is a great self-realization project because you should PROBABLY know at least 100 things about you because nobody ever will if you don't.

Alright well I hope you enjoyed that, my non-existent readers haha. Comment anything (a.k.a. I'm gonna try and get more people to read this)

Ananya :)

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