Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Who I Am

So at lunch today, my friends and I were talking about why we're weird. Somewhere in there, we had some personality thoughts thrown out. I was kind of thinking, I haven't really told my readers, who I am. So, here you go. I'm that girl who'll smile at you, but won't say much. I'm the girl who doesn't really say what she's thinking, just out of fear that others will judge her in the wrong way. I'm the girl who can never really find a way to say what she wants, always just burrowing it in. I'm the girl who doesn't have one sole best friend, who has so many friends, she can't count them on her fingers, toes, and teeth. I'm the girl who is usually quiet, keeping her thoughts to herself. I'm the girl that so many people think they know, but yet when they're asked a simple question, struggle to answer. I'm the mystery, the one who nobody really knows what lies beneath the surface. I'm the musician, the girl pouring her hopes and dreams into songs. And maybe one day, that song will be heard.