Thursday, July 5, 2012

Summer Hindi Movie Project

As a fun summer project, I decided to watch all my childhood (Ages 4-9) favourite movies. After each movie I see, I'm going to come here and update this post with a rating (out of 5 stars), comments, summary, and picture of the movie. I'm hoping I can watch around 5-7 movies during the summer, and finish the rest before winter break.

Movie #1- Kal Ho Naa Ho

Date Watched- June 23, 2012

Rating- 5/5

Comments- This has been my favorite movie since I was 4. But I never understood that there isn't too much of a story in it. It's a lot of fun, lots of songs, fun costumes, and laughs. But it also has a lot of tears. Half the movie I was sitting and crying. It's really a movie that could never happen, which is what makes it so much fun. I would definetly recommend it to anyone who likes a tear-jerker.

Summary- Naina Kapur is juggling a busy life in New York City. She's taking MBA classes with her best friend Rohit, and still tries to help out at home whenever she can. When Aman, a carefree guy comes to her neighborhood and falls in love with her, everything in Naina's life gets turned upside down. He is the solution to most of the problems in the Kapur house, leading Naina to fall in love with him. But he has a secret, that leads him to not be able to marry Naina, even though he loves her back. So he tries and sets her up with Rohit, who loves Naina as well. A whole story of ups and downs leads to many tears, but not without changing Naina Kapur's life forever.

Movie #2- Veer-Zaara

Date Watched- June 30, 2012

Rating- 5/5

Comments- This movie was a lot of fun. It was a flashback movie. There was some great music, and a nice happy ending. No tears, but a very cute love story. I would recommend this movie for anyone who likes a love story with a cute ending.

Summary- Squadron Leader Veer Pratap Singh has a job as a rescue pilot for the Indian air force. On one of his missions, he rescues a Pakistani girl, Zaara Hayaat Khan. He helps her to her destination to bury her Bebe's ashes in Kiratpur, India. When they both reach, he invites her to come to his house for a day, to celebrate the Lohri festival and meet his parents. He soon realises that he has fallen in love with him, but when he is about to tell her, Raza, Zaara's fiance shows up to take her back to Pakistan. He confesses his love for her, but never finds out about what she feels. Narrated by Prisoner 786 (Veer) in a prison in Lahore, to Saamiya Siddiqui, they both attempt to get Veer released from prison, reunited with Zaara (who thinks he was in a bus crash 22 years ago, while really Raza got him arrested), and back to India.

Movie #3- Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna

Date Watched: July 9, 2012

Rating: 5/5

Comments- This was definitely not a typical Bollywood film. It had an ending, but it wasn't happy, nor sad. It had some fun numbers and a lot of wise quotes, but it was completely different from any other Bollywood film.

Summary- Dev, a football player is married to Rhea, a fashion magazine editor. Maya, a kindergarten teacher, is married to Rishi, a childhood friend of hers. After meeting Maya at her wedding, Dev gives her advice about love, relationships, and marriage. However, luck has it in for the two couples, and they seem to keep bumping into eachother, soon becoming good friends. Soon after, Dev and Maya start to pick out the problems in their own marriages, and try to mend them. Love follows them though, and they soon start to develop feelings for eachother, wrecking their current relationships.


Friday, June 29, 2012

One Direction Jeopardy

So following on my One Direction Infection, I made a game. In school we play jeopardy a lot before tests, so I thought it would be cool to make a One Direction Jeopardy game. The link is below, but for it to work like real jeopardy, you have to open it in PowerPoint. To do so, click Download in the left hand column, and it will open in PowerPoint. It is a bit funky if you try to open it in Keynote, so email me and I can send you the Keynote Document. If you have any questions or corrections, email me. This is still a work in progress, so there are mistakes in it. There are also some typos, so include that too.

A few jeopardy guidelines (all for powerpoint):
-All hyperlinks only work in slideshow mode
-In the first slide, if you click on a number under a category, it will take you to that question. Click again and it will take you to the answer. The star will take you back to the first slide, or "home" so that you can choose another question.

PLEASE DO NOT STEAL!!! I'm sorry for being mean, but I took a lot of time on this, and it's really unfair if you take it from me and put it under your own name. Also I'm not sure if it is possible to steal it, but don't try!!

Have fun with the game, and here is the link: 1D Jeopardy

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Fun Theory

The Fun Theory is an initiative by Volkswagen (Sweden) to change human behaviour for the better, by making it fun. They have taken many initiatives to make Earth a better place by changing its people.

Making people throw their trash away:


Take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator (I wish my school had this one!)


Have kids and teens throw clean their rooms without moms having to countlessly tell them



Having people recycle their bottles


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Who I Am

So at lunch today, my friends and I were talking about why we're weird. Somewhere in there, we had some personality thoughts thrown out. I was kind of thinking, I haven't really told my readers, who I am. So, here you go. I'm that girl who'll smile at you, but won't say much. I'm the girl who doesn't really say what she's thinking, just out of fear that others will judge her in the wrong way. I'm the girl who can never really find a way to say what she wants, always just burrowing it in. I'm the girl who doesn't have one sole best friend, who has so many friends, she can't count them on her fingers, toes, and teeth. I'm the girl who is usually quiet, keeping her thoughts to herself. I'm the girl that so many people think they know, but yet when they're asked a simple question, struggle to answer. I'm the mystery, the one who nobody really knows what lies beneath the surface. I'm the musician, the girl pouring her hopes and dreams into songs. And maybe one day, that song will be heard.


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Top 50 Reasons to Love One Direction

So to all the directioners who will ever read this (its probably just you) this is my top 50 list on why we love One Direction (The UK band) :

1. They're extremely talented

2. They have the most meaningful and beautifully written songs in the world

3. They have British accents

4. They're hot

5. They have the best and cutest bromances ever

6. They have an amazayn clothing/fashion sense

7. They're happy when they're themselves, and that makes us fans happy

8. All their songs are different, no two have the same speed, or meaning

9. All their interviews, video diaries and random videos make me smile

10. Every time I see something, it always is One Direction related in some way

11. The Greater 1D Family

12. All the new words that have been added to my vocabulary: amazayn, phenominiall, fabulouis, extraordinharry, brilliam, 1derful

13. They are totally adorable when they dance and act

14. Extreme fangirling with friends instead of doing homework

15. New directioner friends

16. Inside 1D Jokes

17. All the broken records

18. Their Brit Award

19. All the pictures of them that make the popular page on Instagram

20. They enjoy what they do, which just makes us want to watch more

21. Directioners rule Twitter (Although I don't have one)

22. How much they tease and abuse each other so playfully and lovingly

23. They love animals (dogs, cats, turtles, pigeons)

24. Barry, Wayne, Hughy, Ian, and Kyle

25. How many r's are there? Just checking.

26. July 24, 2010. 8:22 PM.

27. No! Jimmy Protested!

28. Topped all Charts within 10 minutes of their album coming out on iTunes in the US

29. Carrots, Mirrors, Turtles, Pussy, Nandos

30. MSG Sold out in 30 seconds

31. Carlito, Miguelito, Pepito, Martito and Dick

32. Juan Direction

33. Liam is irrelevant

34. Zayn: Vas Happenin

35. Louis: I like girls who like carrots

36. The extreme love that parents just don't understand

37. When directionators are totally confused about things we directioners know

38. The hearts all over all of my stuff now, including the pictures of carrots and potatoes in my French Book

39. Me missing my parents dinner parties, and canceling them because One Direction's on TV tonight

40. Eating my ice cream and cereal with milk with a fork instead of a spoon

41. Going to concerts with friends and screaming my lungs out

42. All the things to laugh about because of the boys

43. Having extremely high expectations of boys

44. Staying Up All Night for concert tickets and song premieres

45. Laughing at everything someone says, and almost nobody understanding why

46. Trying 74 Times (Yes I counted) to get 2013 Concert Tickets before they sell out

47. Having random nicknames for your friends, that make you laugh every time

48. Going to West Side Market and staring for 15 minutes at the Irish Soda Bread, and then moving on to stare at the Shepards Pie with Potatoes and Carrots

49. Tuesday June 18, 2013. 7:30. Nationwide Arena, Columbus.

50. They're One Direction....what more reason do you need?


Thursday, March 29, 2012

One Direction Mandala

So most of you probably know that I love the British boy band One Direction. So since I was bored today, I made a zendoodle, then filled the hand with various One Direction stuff (pictures, symbols, words, songs). So I thought I'd put it up here and ask my readers for feedback!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

One Direction! :)

Ok, I have totally become a fan of the British boy band, One Direction. Composed of Harry Styles, 18, Cheshire, England; Louis Tomlinson, 20, Doncaster, England; Zayn Malik, 19, Bradford, England; Liam Payne, 18, Wolverhampton, England; and Niall Horan, 18, Mullingar, Ireland. They were on X-Factor, and their songs are awesome. They just came out with their debut album, Up All Night, in March. They have a concert in Columbus on Tuesday June 18, 2013, 19:30 (7:30 pm), Nationwide Arena, which I got tickets for an am going to next year :) Here's their Youtube channel: , and here's their Vevo channel, for all their music videos:

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Loves of Life: Number 2: Music

As you all probably know, I am a huge music fan. I play piano and have some 1200 songs on my iPod. When I take a drive, you will either always hear the radio or something else playing. On the other hand, I'll be listening to something with my earbuds in. When I listen to music, I think of all sorts of things. Places, events, people. I create memories with my music. I live on music. Literally. So think about something next time you listen to your favorite song. Just sit back and dream. You'll be amazed.

The Loves of Life: Number 1: Nature

Have you ever noticed how beautiful nature can be when you're just out on a drive? I personally love when you are on a drive, and just sit and lean over the window and relax. It's almost like a different world. We get so involved in things like our iPods and iPads and Phones that we forget to put them down once in a while and enjoy the drive. Especially with the beautiful weather we're getting right now. So, my challenge to you is to put down your screens and look out the window once in a while. You'll be amazed.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Vignette 3: Uniqueness

Ananya. That's what I hear in my name. It's three nice, long, perfect syllables. A-nun-ya. Maybe it could be a nice, royal purple. Or a loving pink. In Hindi, it means unique. Special. Different. One of a kind. Just like the name itself. In another root, Sanskrit, it can mean endless. Going on and on. A nice calm blue, with some dignity in it. It could be a nice high flute. Or even a feisty fanfare on a trumpet. A sad tune of goodbye on a cello. It could have the anger and power of the sun, beating down. Or it could have the chill of the first snow. Almost like my birthday. November 24. In some parts of the world, it could hold the beauty of fruit. Guavas, Lychees, Mangos. Bright bursting colors, each with a unique flavor to it. In other places, the freedom of the wind, coming with the first snow. A rabbit on the Earth saw to this date. An archer in the sky to my name. The perfect, completely unique combination of numbers- 11/24. A beautiful, flaky snow saw to this birth of mine. And the stars will look upon it forever. The combination. Ananya born on November 24th. Forever unique.


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Vignette 2: Life Blossom


The stone paths lead onwards
Into a place of food and
We stop to catch our breath for
We must keep going
Or else the power
The guard has over
Might be
His food


The day goes onward
We go through the
The one which separates the
Good, Allowed People from the
No-Badge People
We are all people but
Who we really are is not
Our Substance but
Our Thoughts


We still walk yet forward
With the good, and the
The temple is
Almost Deathly
But a small child can still
Give Hope
From the Childishness of
A Giggle


Hot, cool, flavors
Bright, Sunny, Yellow
Fiery, Hot Oranges
A Cool, Relaxing

We must not
Only focus on what
Food we have
Someday we might be left
To make do with
What we don't have

Vignette 1: The Sweet Side of Me

It was my second birthday party. In India. While I was playing with my cousins and friends, my other relatives were admiring my cake. Uncles, Aunts, and Friends crowded around the large, cake, me not being able to see it. The cake was sitting on the table. I, being two years old, couldn't see it as I was too short, but I could hear that it was amazing. The chatter of my relatives echoed through the room. All of my cousins were exclaiming in delight, but I couldn't tell exactly what they were saying, as they were speaking in Hindi, the official language of India. My grandfather picked me up and carried me over to the table, and I got my first look at what all of the commotion was about. On the table was a very large, oval, pale green cake. Most people ask what was so great about the cake. My little two-year-old mind only realized it a few minutes after I went over to the cake. On the cake was a drawing in icing. That drawing was of my two-year-old self. Not a photo cake, but an actual icing version of me. My same, light brown skin color. The short little black pigtails. A pair of dark, blue jeans. A bright red t-shirt. All down to the same white socks with red and blue stripes, and white tennis shoes. Being at the age of two, I didn't know what to do when I saw my "sweet" minion, so I put my hand out as if I were to high five it. Or her. Or she. I don't know what to call an icing version of me. My grandfather stopped me with his tan brown skinned hand, just as I was about to touch the figure. A feeling of dark purple disappointment flooded me, like a river after an angry storm. I wanted to mess up the cake so badly! It's just not every day that a two year old girl gets to high five herself on a cake for her birthday