Saturday, January 26, 2013

8th Grade

I haven't been on here for so long...I miss my blog with nobody reading it! Ok just wanna list a couple of things going on lately in life. I'm finally an 8th grader! I'm so excited....and this means almost high school! Yay! So...what's been going on?

1. 8th Grade Musical! We're doing The Little Mermaid, which happens to be the first Disney musical we've ever done, so this'll be exciting. I really hope I get a good part, but a couple of my friends think I have a good chance of getting Ursula, so that's good.

2. High School Anxiety. And I have to say all of these previews of high school haven't helped at all! We're just seeing more and more things that are making us more and more anxious for what awaits us next year...I'm so scared! I love being on top here in the Middle School, and once high school comes next year, I'm going to be the youngest High Schooler! Eeekk!

3. Super awesome BFFs. We've gotten so close back together these past few months, it's amazing. I love it so much, how I always have someone to talk to, give me advice, tease me, support me and make me laugh. It's just one of those little things in life that we take for granted, ones which make everyday a little bit sweeter.

4. Southard! I have to say I had a few doubts about how this would turn out...but it actually works out really nicely. We have the best advisor, and a great group who can work well together and get along great.

5. Iron Chef! We're on a winning streak right hopefully we make it to the finals and win, even though that would mean going against my two best friends. But once again, we have a diverse, resourceful advisor group who wants to win super badly, so I think we'll go far.

6. Indian Stuff. I'm really getting in touch with my strong Indian side, learning some more Hindi, enjoying some gorgeous new clothes, listening to some new music, and dancing a lot! I'm even trying to influence my American friend with my culture...she's good with it. I think she's enjoying it :p

7. Piano! I'm working hard, putting in effort, and going strong with piano. I'm also trying to get back in with my community service stuff, bringing music to people and brightening their days!

8. Recorder Consort. Piano sort of leads me into recorder- once again, absolutely amazing with my close friendships. I love it and miss it so much now that the seasons done. But not quite yet...

9. Germany-Austria Tour! Yay I don't remember if I mentioned this last year but our consort's going to Germany! I can't wait...more music abroad, to a place so rich with musical history and culture...I THINK I'M GOING TO DIE!! It's all so magical...I can't wait for the trip!

10. Orchestra. I guess all the music stuff flows into this. Orchestra's going pretty well...our tour day this year included this indoor water-park called Splash Lagoon, which was a ton of fun! 8th grade got to play with the high school orchestra, which was totally nerve racking but really cool because they're all so professional. I'm kinda nervous about joining it next year...but it should be worth it because we're going to Hong Kong on tour!

11. iPod. I've put in sooooooo much investment into my iPod...and it's always with me. I'm always listening to something, at least once a day. It's my little sanctuary of weirdness and totally me. It's me-world hahaha.

12. Speech and Debate. I know, I'm only in Middle School but I'm enjoying going to the HS tournaments. I got to compete once last week, and again in like two weeks. I also shadowed today with a few different people, so that was pretty fun. And I was with my two little buddies from Kumon (uch) which is the only reason I somewhat still go to Kumon (Not that my mom gives me the choice...). And my crush was there....ahh it was just a great day overall.

13. General academics. My grades are so significantly higher this year, and I'm putting in such leisurely effort. 8th grade is so laid back, much nicer than seventh grade. I like it a lot. I have Geometry midterms on Monday, which once again I feel so prepared for that I'm almost confident that I'll do well. We're also in the middle of our science fair project...more to come. English is pretty good to...I love the book that we're reading, The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks. It's so relatable...and I just really enjoyed the book. Some parts of it were just like my life, now giving me explanations to my life. The grammar lessons were great too, especially the ones on the neglected positive and the inpeas.

14. Science Fair. So I got a great group this year who's really dedicated to making our car a success. We're doing a recycling car, mixed in with elements of basketball to make it a game. We're doing really well right now- we have our stuff altogether and we finally got our car to turn, which is a really big deal. On the other hand, science fair is 10 days away!!!! AAAHHHHHH

15. Science Research (Yes, there's a difference). My science research project is going pretty well. I'm doing the only music related project, and it's going pretty well. I'm really nervous though...I want to qualify for Neosef really badly because I'll be in Germany at the time of the District competition.

16. Random ends of finally being a teenager. Yup, I finally turned 13 this past November! Yay! I also got the side effects that come along with it...being treated like an adult more and being expected to act more mature. I'm only one year older! I also got the good symptoms though...I thoroughly enjoy chick flicks and romance movies. I just can't contain my hopeless romantic self, who just keeps hoping that one day, that will be me. I've also started developing some crushes...but at the same time I've become strangely comfortable talking to boys. Maybe it's just that so many of my moms friends have boys and no girls, so I'm just accustomed to talking to the Indian Nerd Boys.

I think that's it right now...I'll probably come on here again after the cast list goes up for the musical! I'm so nervous and excited!

Peace and love to all of my friends,

Ananya :)