Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Loves of Life: Number 2: Music

As you all probably know, I am a huge music fan. I play piano and have some 1200 songs on my iPod. When I take a drive, you will either always hear the radio or something else playing. On the other hand, I'll be listening to something with my earbuds in. When I listen to music, I think of all sorts of things. Places, events, people. I create memories with my music. I live on music. Literally. So think about something next time you listen to your favorite song. Just sit back and dream. You'll be amazed.

The Loves of Life: Number 1: Nature

Have you ever noticed how beautiful nature can be when you're just out on a drive? I personally love when you are on a drive, and just sit and lean over the window and relax. It's almost like a different world. We get so involved in things like our iPods and iPads and Phones that we forget to put them down once in a while and enjoy the drive. Especially with the beautiful weather we're getting right now. So, my challenge to you is to put down your screens and look out the window once in a while. You'll be amazed.